This class is over at 3:15 today so that means that this blog is CLOSED!!! YAY for summer!! :)
This class is over at 3:15 today so that means that this blog is CLOSED!!! YAY for summer!! :)
1) how to make an address book
My website is about the top 12 places that I want to go! I am finished with it and it wasn't as hard to do as I thought it was going to be. The number one place I want to visit is Rome, Italy. I would love to go there on my honeymoon one day! I love to travel and am going to be traveling a lot this year! I am going to Guatemala in May, Washington D.C. in July, and New York in October!! Here is a link to my website!
This week I had to review Brandi Hattenstein's website. It is about the Fine Arts Dance Academy. The buttons did not work but I believe that it will be very informative when she puts the pages up there.Click Here
I reviewed Erica Duah's website. It is about a dream trip to Jamaica. I like all the pictures, but the text is the same on each page. Other than that, I think she did a good job!
It's hard to believe that computers weren't around when my parents were young. Seymour Papert is considered a technology expert and was made fun of for saying that kids would one day use computers in the classroom. He is also a mathmatician.
Who would have ever thought that iPods would be used in elementary classrooms? I personally do not own one, basically because I do not think I would use it that much!