Melanie Davis's EDM 310 Blog

Thursday, April 26, 2007


This class is over at 3:15 today so that means that this blog is CLOSED!!! YAY for summer!! :)

I learned....

1) how to make an address book
2) how to do finances in EXCEL
3) how to make a grade book
4) how to make a mulitiplication table
5) how to write codes and make a web site
6) how to make a tri-fold brochure

Sunday, April 15, 2007

My Website!!

My website is about the top 12 places that I want to go! I am finished with it and it wasn't as hard to do as I thought it was going to be. The number one place I want to visit is Rome, Italy. I would love to go there on my honeymoon one day! I love to travel and am going to be traveling a lot this year! I am going to Guatemala in May, Washington D.C. in July, and New York in October!! Here is a link to my website!

Melanie's web site

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Web Site

This week I had to review Brandi Hattenstein's website. It is about the Fine Arts Dance Academy. The buttons did not work but I believe that it will be very informative when she puts the pages up there.Click Here

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I reviewed Erica Duah's website. It is about a dream trip to Jamaica. I like all the pictures, but the text is the same on each page. Other than that, I think she did a good job!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Seymour Papert

It's hard to believe that computers weren't around when my parents were young. Seymour Papert is considered a technology expert and was made fun of for saying that kids would one day use computers in the classroom. He is also a mathmatician.

This website has some good information about Seymour Papert


Who would have ever thought that iPods would be used in elementary classrooms? I personally do not own one, basically because I do not think I would use it that much!

For the classroom, you could use one to allow students to record a story, or a rap about a subject and then you can play it for them. I'm sure they would love to hear themselves!

Here is a link of a website that I liked.Click here


Spreadsheets can be used in every subject, and as often as you would like to! I found a website that has ideas for different spreadsheets. Click Here

I find spreadsheets useful for a visual aid. The children who are visual learners will benefit from spreadsheets.

Mardi Gras 2007

So..I just realized that I was supposed to be updating my blog every week, and I'm really behind!! For Mardi Gras I went downtown with two of my friend and we tailgated with one of the girl's family! We left our dorm at 10:00 and got back about 7. It's a lot of fun to watch people and see what they actually wear! I can't wait until next year's Mardi Gras!!!