Melanie Davis's EDM 310 Blog

Monday, January 22, 2007

Back to Normal

I haven't been able to post to this until today. I was so confused about how to log in. Last week was rough. I had gone to a church retreat up near Gadsden and came back on Monday. All this time I knew that my grandfather was bad off and when I get back to Mobile I get the call from my dad that my grandfather has passed away. So I get up Tuesday morning and drive to Georgia. My brother and his family came from North Carolina and we all left on Friday. On top of all of this, I got sick and was in so much pain and had a high fever that I had to go to the emergency room and found out that I had strep throat. I'm feeling better and am so ready for things to be back to normal. I was exhausted to say the least when I got back to Mobile Friday night, but I'm better now. I hope everyone had a great week!


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