Melanie Davis's EDM 310 Blog

Saturday, February 17, 2007

International Blogs

I found a really interesting blog from New Zealand. It seems that they post frequently. The picture is of a little girl drawing a worm. They also talked about how they could go swimming in the afternoons. I think it's neat that they have a swimming pool to cool off in. THey didn't start school back until Feb. 7th and had been out since before Christmas.

The next blog I found is from a classroom in Monterrey, Mexico. It is an American school though. THere weren't any pictures in the blog, but they update on a regular basis.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Blogs in America

I found a third grade class blog in Salem, Oregon. They post about once a week. I really liked a poem about friends that one of the students had posted. Here is a picture they drew to go along with it.

Here is another example. This blog is a school wide blog in Newberg, Oregon. The blog seems to be updated on a regular bases. They can keep the parents up to date on things that go on in the school. They also post pictures of the kids and events that go on. Here is a picture of the student council for the school.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

My Blogging Experience

So I've almost waited until the last minute to write about my blogging experience but here I am doing it! I like blogging, if I actually took the time to do it! I found it pretty easy after I figured out how to login! Uploading pictures and putting links in was easy for me...maybe because I'm always on a computer either on myspace, facebook or aim.
I'm not sure if blogging in classrooms is a good thing or not. It has it's positives and negatives. It would be neat if you were meeting another class from somewhere else in the country, and even the world. If I let my students blog, I would definitely monitor the postings and the comments. I would have specific topics for them to write about so that they don't go into personal things that don't need to be out there for everyone to see! I had never really thought about using blogs in the classroom, but now that I have I can see the use of them.